Good Morning Church Family,

Turn. Focus. Breathe. Pray.
And Seek Him.

Turn from Hatred.
Turn from Frustration.
Turn from Hopelessness.

Turn from Pride.
Turn from Division.
Turn from Darkness.

Turn from Bitterness.
Turn from Prejudice.
Turn from Resentment.

Turn and Seek Him.

We have to Seek Him Together. We have to Pray. We have to be the Light. We have to be Love in Action. We have to come Together.

As we Pray for America: in the Pledge we say that we are “One nation under God,” and our money says that it is “In God we trust.” But, we have to want Americans to encounter the God who rules over our country. The power He has. The Grace He has. The Love He has. “He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to humans, He who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth the LORD God Almighty is His name.” – Amos 4:13

We have to Turn.
Seek Him Together.

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek His face always. – 1 Chronicles 16:11

Pastor Joe Ward
Love God, Love People, Make Disciples

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